Do you want the coming year to bring about advances in clean energy and climate policy? You can encourage effective, equitable implementation of recent climate laws by giving at work through easy, budget-friendly payroll-based contributions. Make your pledge now and rest assured all year long, knowing that you are advancing climate solutions with every paycheck!

If you work for the federal, state or local government or in the private sector, chances are your employer offers workplace giving. If you are unsure, check with your Human Resources Department.

In the Combined Federal Campaign, you can easily pick EESI with our CFC number, #10627.

More workplaces than ever understand that their employees want to support sustainability and provide the opportunity for them to contribute to environmental organizations through easy payroll-based giving. The World Bank, Dell, Accenture, American Express, and Amazon are among the many employers who allow charitable donations to be automatically deducted from each paycheck. Ask your HR department today! Because you’re visiting EESI’s website, I know you care about clean energy and climate action. Please help advance these important goals with practical, actionable solutions through workplace giving.

People like you have helped EESI achieve so much on climate and environmental issues (see selected accomplishments here).  

But our country urgently needs to take more steps to transition to clean energy completely and implement urgently needed resilience, given all the extreme weather events our communities are sadly experiencing. 

Since climate change action and clean energy are so important to our country’s future, we need YOUR support to provide policymakers with compelling stories on how the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are making a difference for their constituents. You can give to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute by designating EESI through workplace giving today (in the Combined Federal Campaign, that’s #10627).

Workplace giving goes a long way at EESI. A few dollars each paycheck can make all the difference. In its nearly 40 years of existence, EESI has built a strong track record on climate policy. To do more, we are depending on donors like you. 

  • Donating $8 per paycheck will provide every Congressional office with an informational packet on EESI Congressional briefings about key environmental and energy topics that policymakers need to consider.
  • Giving $29 per paycheck will allow us to record and livestream one of our Congressional briefings and upload the video to our YouTube channel, so people across the country and all over the world can access the information long after the briefing.

Thank you for your commitment to clean energy and climate action.

If you’re a federal employee or member of the military, please choose CFC #10627. We are also a member of the EarthShare workplace giving federation. Ask your HR department about giving to EESI through your workplace today!

Authors: Kana Takagi, Tim Slattery, Susan Williams