Evolving Policy to Keep Pace with Market Innovation
Friday, March 28, 2014, 7 am – 5:30 pm
Kennedy Caucus Room, the Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC

On March 28, the American Council on Renewable Energy's (ACORE) National Renewable Energy Policy Forum will convene the renewable energy industry to chart the path forward for pro-growth, constructive and bipartisan renewable energy policy to foster additional private sector investment and innovation. The U.S. renewable energy industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the U.S. economy. A combination of private sector investment and innovation, as well as federal and state policy has driven substantial renewable energy cost reduction, scale-up and an expanding value chain throughout the country. Join renewable energy leaders and policy makers from Capitol Hill and across the country to assess renewable energy market growth and federal policy to accelerate the transformation of the nation’s energy sector.

Hosted by the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), EESI is a supporting organization for this forum.

Click here for Registration and agenda. If registering for the full forum, use 20% Discount Code. SPT20EE