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August 31, 2022
I’m constantly impressed by people’s kindness and generosity in my role working with donors at EESI. It’s so inspiring when a person makes it their legacy to further a cause in which they believe strongly—especially a cause as urgent and far-reaching as advancing science-based solutions to climate change. Horace Tillard “Till” Jones Jr. did just that.
Till, who passed away in September 2020, was a lifelong resident of the Washington, D.C., area, Korean War Army veteran, and electronics engineer. He was also strongly committed to environmental protection.
EESI was honored when we recently found out we are among several environmental organizations to which Mr. Jones made very generous planned gifts (over $90,000 in our case), naming EESI both as a beneficiary for an IRA and in a bequest in his will. Till did not tell EESI about his planned gifts, so we did not have a chance to thank him personally. He seems to have followed EESI for several years.
Jared Blum, Chair of EESI’s Board of Directors, was thrilled to learn about Till’s legacy gifts for climate solutions. “It’s so heartening when individuals are able to leave a legacy gift much larger than what they can contribute to charity while living. I didn’t know Till, but I admire his choice to further his interests in environmental protection through his will and his IRA.”
Till’s legacy gifts are already playing a large role in helping EESI advance climate solutions. His legacy includes enhancing Congressional understanding of the implications of international climate negotiations, publishing articles on climate solutions from around the country, and producing timely and relevant briefings. Mr. Jones is also helping to make possible innovative, equity-focused programs that promote access to affordable financing for families, allowing them to make energy efficiency and other clean energy improvements to their homes.
Making a legacy gift for climate solutions now is a great way to ensure that your commitment to a greener, more equitable, and healthier planet lives on.
It’s easy to set up such a gift. Changing the beneficiary for accounts such as an IRA or life insurance policy can be done with a few clicks on the keyboard or the stroke of a pen at any time. Learn how here.
To learn more about planned giving and other ways to advance sustainable clean energy, resilient communities, and smart climate policy, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 202-662-1890. You can read more about a variety of options for planned giving here, and the specific details you will need are here. If planned giving is not right for you, there are lots of other ways to advance climate change solutions, which you can read about here.
By: Tim Slattery
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