This is the 50th edition of Sustainable Bioenergy, Farms, and Forests . Please let us know what you think.

SBFF covers a broad territory of issues, primarily focusing on sustainable biomass and bioenergy issues at the national level (biogas, biofuel, bioheat, biopower, biobased products, etc.), but also branching out into related issues of conservation, water, climate change mitigation and adaptation, food security, and sustainable agriculture and forestry.

SBFF is sent out most weeks to more than 2,500 people. Readers include staff in Congressional offices, a wide variety of federal agencies, state and local governments across the country, environmental organizations, agriculture, bioenergy, and renewable energy trade associations, dozens of universities, and related news media.

Please let us know:

  • What do you like best about SBFF ?
  • What would you like us to do more of, less of, or better?

Please spread the word about SBFF . Recommend it to your colleagues. It is simple to sign-up here .

Finally, please support our work by making a contribution to EESI . We just have 1 last week left to secure enough donations to win a permanent spot on the Global Giving platform – and recurring donations are currently being matched! EESI depends on contributions from people like you to keep us going.
