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June 14, 2013
On June 12, the 16th Annual Congressional Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency EXPO + Forum was held on Capitol Hill. Hundreds attended to hear speakers from Congress, federal agencies, and renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. Bioenergy was well represented. The Sustainable Energy Coalition , in cooperation with the House and Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucuses , hosted the event. The EXPO brought together more than 50 businesses, trade associations, government agencies and energy policy research organizations to showcase renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. For highlights of the keynote speeches by four leaders of the bipartisan House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, click here . More of the proceedings will be posted to the EESI web site soon. A panel of speakers from the biofuel industry included: Robert E. Kozak, Founder and Board Member - Advanced Biofuels USA; Ezra Finkin, Director, Policy and External Relations - Diesel Technology Forum; Dr. Robert T. Do, President and CEO - Solena Fuels Corp.; Anne Steckel, Vice President of Federal Affairs - National Biodiesel Board; Steve Wilburn, President & CEO - FirmGreen Inc. Video recordings of their presentations will be made available on EESI's website next week. Exhibitors included: Advanced Biofuels Association; Advanced Biofuels USA; Algae Biomass Organization; American Biogas Council; Biomass Power Association; FirmGreen, Inc. (biomethane); Growth Energy; Iowa Renewable Fuels Association; National Biodiesel Board; Solena Fuels Corporation.