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December 18, 2020
One of EESI’s primary educational tools is our Congressional briefings, where we invite policy experts and practitioners from around the country to discuss climate solutions in action and the policies and programs that make those solutions possible.
Briefings are ordinarily held in person on Capitol Hill and streamed online, but EESI transitioned to online-only formats in March 2020. Check out the 31 briefings we held this year, organized chronologically and by topic.
More briefings are planned for 2021--keep up to date by subscribing to briefing notices here.
Briefing Series:
Regional Coastal Resilience Briefing Series
EESI finished off our 16-part Regional Coastal Resilience Briefing Series, which began in 2019, with briefings on resilience projects and policy in the Great Lakes, Southeast, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
The series also included our five-part Climate Adaptation Data Week, which featured one case study in the application of data to adaptation solutions each day.
This series concluded with a final briefing, Federal Action for Resilient Coasts, discussing EESI’s report, based on the briefing series, highlighting 30 recommendations for federal policymakers addressing coastal issues.
Rural Communities, Climate, and COVID-19 Recovery
This three-part series explored the challenges rural communities face, including high energy costs, a struggling agriculture industry, and low investment in resilient infrastructure, as well as the solutions rural communities have developed in the face of these multiple stressors.
2020 Congressional Clean Energy EXPO and Policy Forum
The 23rd Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum brought together 25 businesses, trade associations, and government agencies to showcase renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in a one day, six panel series.
Workforce Wednesdays
A five-part series of online briefings on workforce development and policies and programs that can support a low-carbon recovery from the COVID-19 economic crisis. The briefings explored a variety of issue areas pertinent to building a green workforce, including high school career training, conservation corps, coal country energy transitions, growing green domestic manufacturing, and revitalizing small business.
By Air, Land, and Sea: Navigating the Climate Future
A three-part series on climate mitigation and adaptation in the transportation sector. The series dove into the opportunities for climate adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation solutions in the aviation sector, at ports, and across public transit.
Stand-alone Briefings:
Energy Efficiency Means Business in Your District
Experts discuss how energy efficiency programs create jobs and deliver direct meaningful savings to constituent homeowners, consumers, and businesses—all while reducing the stresses and strains on our energy system.
2020 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook
This briefing featured discussion on the eighth edition of the Sustainable Energy in America Factbook. The Factbook provides updates on industry information and trends for the U.S. energy economy, with an in-depth look at the energy efficiency, natural gas, and renewable energy sectors, as well as emerging areas such as digitalization, micro-grids, offshore wind, hydrogen, and renewable natural gas.
A Security Threat Assessment of Global Climate Change
The briefing showcased the Center for Climate and Security’s Security Threat Assessment of Global Climate Change report, a product of the National Security, Military, and Intelligence Panel on Climate Change. The report is a comprehensive look at the wide-ranging security impacts of climate change across all six geographic U.S. Combatant Commands, under two scenarios of future warming (a 1-2°C rise in temperatures, and a 2-4°C rise).
The Climate Crisis Report in Focus
A briefing on the climate action report released by the majority staff of the House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis on June 30. This briefing focused on four core areas of climate policy: climate mitigation, climate adaptation, environmental justice, and public health. Through presentations and a Q&A session, panelists unpacked the key elements of the 538-page report and highlighted next steps for congressional action to address the climate crisis.
What Congress Needs to Know About Pending Nuclear Waste Legislation
An online briefing about pending nuclear waste legislation, including amendments to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act and other bills, which would radically alter the way radioactive waste from civilian nuclear power plant is handled and stored.
2020 Climate Action Update
2020 was a major benchmark year for climate goals, with national governments, cities, states, corporations, higher education institutions, faith-based groups, and investors aiming to reach initial targets by this year. This briefing assessed progress towards climate mitigation and adaptation goals in the United States as we reached the last few weeks of 2020.
Compiled by: Amber Todoroff