Councilman Derek S. Green speaks at an April 2017 event to announce Solarize Philly.
(Courtesy Philadelphia City Council, credit Jared Piper)

Philadelphia is proving to be a national leader in renewable energy, workforce development, and education reform through a new program that trains high school students in technical solar panel installation skills. The program, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and administered through the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) and the local school district, is an extension of earlier work furthering the city’s commitment to a 100 percent renewable energy transition by 2035.

In 2016, the PEA developed the Philadelphia Energy Campaign to increase energy efficiency and clean energy installations in buildings across the city. To reach its goals, the Campaign set aside $1 billion in funding over ten years, with the hope of also creating 10,000 living-wage jobs. As a part of its mission, the Campaign formed Solarize Philly in 2017, a citywide program “to help all Philadelphians go solar.” By lowering the cost of solar panel installations through group discounts, Solarize Philly has been able to increase accessibility to solar power for more of the city’s residents. Solarize Philly is the country’s largest citywide solar energy campaign⁠—as of August 2019, over 370 homeowners had signed contracts for solar installations and over 5,000 homeowners were interested in the program.

The PEA has been implementing a solar job training program, “Find Your Power,” as a part of Solarize Philly since 2017. The program prepares high school students for careers in the solar industry. Offered through the School District of Philadelphia, “Find Your Power” is a six-week long paid training program that teaches students the fundamentals of clean energy, solar installation techniques, and other skills so they can enter the job market immediately after graduation. After completing the program, interested students can access other job training opportunities and apprenticeships in the industry. More than 50 students have completed the training.

In 2018, the DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office selected the Philadelphia Energy Authority for a $1.25 million award to support the expansion of Solarize Philly and “Find Your Power.” The Solar Energy Technologies Office funded 52 other solar advancement projects around the country in 2018, but PEA’s program was the only one focused on workforce development in high schools.

Through the grant funding, “Find Your Power” will be expanded to create the nation’s first Clean Energy Program of Study for high schoolers, boasting a three-year curriculum that prepares students for careers in clean energy. The program, scheduled to start in 2020, will provide 1,080 hours of technical training for interested students in one city high school. If approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Clean Energy Program of Study could be expanded to other schools around the state.

The “Find Your Power” and Clean Energy Program of Study complement Philadelphia's 100 percent renewable energy goal and put students on track to high-skilled, in-demand careers. According to the Philadelphia Energy Authority’s solar manager, “As the number of solar jobs grows in Philadelphia, we need to make sure that the younger generation is ready to step into these positions as they come out of school.” As the Philadelphia Energy Campaign creates jobs by setting and working towards renewable and energy efficiency goals, Solarize Philly is ensuring that the next generation is capable of filling those positions. Not only do these programs reduce carbon emissions by transitioning to renewables, they also provide an equitable pathway to high-skilled employment. PEA’s programs could serve as a model as other parts of the country work to transition to a clean energy economy and provide career opportunities to the nation’s students.


Author: Heather Luedke