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Study Finds Use of Biodiesel Lowers Tailpipe Emissions
How Is Gasoline Blended? Two Groups Ask EPA to Consider This Important Detail
New Research Documents Fracking’s Health Effects on Workers and Communities
Health Impacts of Vehicle Fuel Highlighted in New Documentary and Public Awareness Website
White House Works with Industry Leaders to Reduce Super Pollutants
House Hearing on Soil Conveys Clear Message: ‘Stop Treating Our Soil Like Dirt’
Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Cut Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
Research Supports Idea that Mid-level Ethanol Blends Are the Best Near-Term Fuel
USDA Tallies Costs of Fire Borrowing and Urges Congress to Pass Wildfire Disaster Funding Act
USGS Finds Growing Urban Sprawl in Southeast Rivals Threat of Climate Change
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