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White House Releases Wildland Fire Management Strategy
DOE Recommits to Public-Private Research & Development for Clean Fuels in Its 2015 Budget
Latest IPCC Report Warns Feeding the World Will be Harder and More Expensive
White House Introduces Methane Reduction Strategy, Represents Opportunity for Farms
Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) Discussion Revived: Provides Hope for Progress on Biofuels
Budget Proposal Contains Robust Mandatory Funding for Farms, Forests and Rural Economies
Managing Risks to Farms, Range and Forests in a Drier, Hotter World
Regional “Climate Hubs”: A Goldilocks Approach to Climate Change Adaptation
Representative Dave Loebsack (D-IA) Introduces Renewable Fuel Infrastructure Act
Bi-Partisan Bill to Reinstate the Biodiesel Tax Credit
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