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Senate Hearing on Wildfires – Chamber Continues to Stall Dealing with Fire Borrowing
Quadrennial Energy Review Contains Clues on Federal Biofuels, Biomass Priorities
RFS Roundup: Polling Finds Majority Support Renewable Fuels, Against Oil Subsidies
RFS Roundup: Bipartisan Group of Senators Asks Administration for Strong Renewable Fuel Standard
Administration Announces Voluntary Climate Mitigation Measures for Agriculture & Forestry
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of ‘Hoppyness’
Senate and House Bills Seek to Remove Regulatory Barriers for E15
Agricultural, Environmental Groups Find Common Ground in Minnesota
U.S. Climate Plan Submitted to the U.N., Role of Agriculture in Mitigation Mostly Ignored
Group of Lawmakers Continues to Seek Ways to Block Biofuels, Through Any Means Possible
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