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Bottle Bills and Curbside Collection: An Overview of Recycling Policy Approaches
Turning China’s Ban of Recyclable Imports into America’s Opportunity
Bans on Banning Bags: The Movement to End Single-Use Plastics Faces Significant Obstacles
Stink, Swine, and Nuisance: The North Carolina Hog Industry and its Waste Management Woes
Facing Institutional Failures, Communities Work to Bring Puerto Rico a Green Future
Senate Passes Strong Bipartisan Farm Bill – Reauthorizes Important Energy, Efficiency & Conservation
FERC Failing to Consider Climate Impacts in Gas Pipeline Approvals
Briefing Highlights One Possible Solution to Growing Problem of Food Waste
Lawmakers Say ‘No Thanks’ to White House-Proposed Spending Cuts to Ag, Energy
HUD’s Innovation in Affordable Housing Competition Inspires the Next Generation of Leaders
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