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RFS Roundup: Potential Impacts of the GREENER Fuels Act on Cellulosic Fuels Development
California Here I Come: Ethanol Industry Looking to California’s Lucrative Low Carbon Market
RFS Roundup: Deal or No Deal on RFS Reform
It’s Like Deja Vu All Over Again: Small Refiners Use Biofuels Policy as Convenient Scapegoat
RFS Roundup: Economists Largely Agree RINs Not Wreaking Havoc on Refining Industry
Santa Might Come Late this Year: Orphaned Renewables Pushed Back to Broader 2018 Tax Extender Debate
Ramping Up Sustainable Biomass Use – Bioenergy’s Role in a Low-Carbon Future
Is Cellulosic Ethanol Dead? Despite Setbacks, Signs of Progress
Biodiesel Industry Woes Mount on Heels of Latest EPA Announcement
“1.5 Gen” Technologies Could Boost Cellulosic Ethanol Production by Nearly 2 Billion Gallons
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