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Groups Urge California to Consider Benefits of Ethanol as Part of State’s Low-Carbon Fuel Standard
Argonne Scientists Counter Claims Made By WRI Biofuels Report
RFS Roundup: Bipartisan Group of Senators Urge EPA to Finalize Biodiesel Volumes
RFS Roundup: Rep. Goodlatte Gives Helping Hand to Oil Industry, Again
New Report Calls for Significant Roll-Back on Global Bioenergy Policies
RFS Roundup: New Group Wants RFS to Take Center Stage in Iowa Caucus
More Gas Stations Commit to Selling E15, Oil Industry Fights Against Higher Ethanol Blends
RFS Roundup: Senators Feinstein, Toomey Float Amendment to Cut Corn Ethanol from RFS
Huffman (D-CA) Introduces Bill to Replace Gas Tax with Carbon Tax on Fuels
Algae Fuel Hits Major Milestone, Senators Ask Administration to Invest in Carbon Utilization
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