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The Renewable Fuel Standard: Despite Partial Success, Now Facing Political Headwinds
EPA Proposes Renewable Fuel Standards for 2013
Doing Corn Better and Doing Better than Corn for Biofuels: Recent Developments in the Field
High Crop Prices Are Driving Land Use Change in the U.S. at an Increasing Environmental Cost
EESI Supports the Wood Stove Decathlon
Biogas Production Gets a Boost in 2012 and 2013, Too
2012 Ends With Mostly Positive Bioenergy News from Congress and the EPA
EESI Discusses Biomass, Bioenergy, and Sustainability With State Environmental Legislators
Farm Bill Energy Programs and Bioenergy Tax Cut Extenders Still Hanging in the Balance
Senate Votes to Sustain Department of Defense (DOD) Advanced Biofuels Initiative
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