Now accepting applications for 2024!


About Access Clean Energy Savings

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute’s Access Clean Energy Savings program helps rural electric cooperatives, public power utilities, green banks, and state agencies develop innovative programs that help families and businesses save money through clean energy projects. These programs help families of all incomes reduce their energy use while improving home comfort. Utilities can better manage their loads (or even increase their sales) while reaching a broader range of customers with their programs. These programs increase access, improve affordability, and advance equity by providing low-cost financing for clean energy technologies. By installing clean energy upgrades families are saving energy and reducing carbon emissions. It's a win-win!

EESI primarily works with utilities to launch equitable on-bill financing programs and beneficial electrification initiatives. Access Clean Energy Savings is grant-funded, so EESI's technical assistance to utilities and related stakeholders is available at no cost. EESI also works to connect utilities with program capital—particularly with exciting opportunities for rural utilities at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

$120 Million in USDA Loans Available for Clean Energy

As part of its Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP), the USDA Rural Utilities Service has more than $120 million available in zero-percent interest loans for rural electric cooperatives, other rural utilities, green banks, and state agencies to launch or expand energy efficiency programs for their communities. The loans can be used for a variety of measures, including building envelope upgrades, on- and off-grid renewable energy systems, lighting, water and waste efficiency, irrigation, and permanently installed energy storage devices. Beneficial electrification projects are also eligible.

EESI has helped more than a dozen rural utilities and green banks successfully secure hundreds of millions in RESP funds to capitalize on-bill financing programs. These funds are helping families and businesses access low-interest financing for clean energy upgrades.


The application window is currently open. We can help you apply!

Application Assistance

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI), has been providing no-cost assistance to rural electric co-ops, other utilities, and green banks to access clean energy savings since 2010.

EESI assistance includes:



For more information:

Miguel Yanez
[email protected]



On-Bill Financing

Utilities, either on their own or partnering with a third party, can cover the upfront investment for a customer to install cost-effective home energy upgrades such as energy efficiency measures and renewable energy systems. When the customer repays the utility via a recurring charge on their now-lowered monthly bill, this is known as “on-bill financing.” In other words, the repayment charge or on-bill obligation is paid back via a line item on the monthly utility bill. The utility recoups the investment, including interest payments, over time.

On-bill financing programs tie the investment to the utility meter, not the person, and approve projects based on alternative underwriting methods, like bill payment history, not credit scores. By focusing on cash-flow positive projects and using proven alternative program approval methods, on-bill financing can make clean energy savings accessible to all households.

The Access Clean Energy Savings program has assisted utilities—particularly rural electric cooperatives—green banks, and state agencies in more than 20 states, including Colorado, Washington, Vermont, and South Carolina. It has also helped more than 20 utilities and third parties, like green banks, launch their respective on-bill financing programs. Since 2010, EESI-supported on-bill programs have financed over $65 million in clean energy upgrades, helping thousands of families experience lower energy bills and enjoy a more comfortable home while reducing carbon emissions.

More than 75 co-ops and public utilities have set up residential on-bill financing programs for their customers, including more than a dozen with help from EESI. EESI’s innovative on-bill financing model is based on its work with South Carolina co-ops to develop the successful “Help My House” program.

Learn more on our On-bill Financing page.

Beneficial Electrification

Beneficial electrification (or strategic electrification) is a term for replacing direct fossil fuel use (e.g., propane, heating oil, gasoline) with electricity in a way that reduces overall emissions and energy costs. As the grid becomes greener with more renewables coming online, using more electricity becomes one of the fastest paths to a clean energy future. Full electrification of the U.S. transportation, commercial and residential sectors would double electricity use by 2050 and reduce greenhouse gases by 70 percent.

EESI works with utilities to develop programs that help their customers cost-effectively switch to efficient electricity uses. This can include incentives and/or financing for electric vehicle infrastructure or cold climate heat pumps—as long as the investment saves the end-user money, benefits the environment, improves quality of life and fosters grid resilience.

Learn more on our Beneficial Electrification page.

EESI developed the Beneficial Electrification Toolkit, a free online resource, to help utilities and stakeholders turn a general interest in beneficial electrification into a concrete program. The Toolkit includes more than 30 pages of researched content on a wide range of sectors, technologies, and incentives.

Learn more with our Beneficial Electrification Toolkit.


Electric Car