EESI Policy Associate John-Michael Cross gave a presentation as part of the webinar “Tools for Coops to Advance Energy Efficiency and Renewables” hosted by Clean Energy Ambassadors on April 8, 2015. The presentation, entitled "Opportunities through the USDA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program", describes a relatively new USDA loan opportunity for rural utilities looking to reduce energy waste. The presentation goes on to explain how the USDA loans can be used to start on-bill financing programs, in which utilities pay for a customer's home energy upgrades and are then repaid through a monthly charge on the recipient's utility bill. The webinar also features an overview of the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) by Andy Olsen of the Environmental Law and Policy Center. 

Download the full presentation (in PDF format) here, or view it below.

You can also view a full recording of the webinar here.






View entire webinar recording