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The Future Use of Forest Resources
EESI Executive Director Carol Werner gave a presentation at the SmallWood Conference, “Forest Utilization and Management: From Working Woodlands to City Streets,” held by the Forest Business Network on June 5 in Rochester, Minnesota.
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The 40th Anniversary of the Oil Embargo and Climate Change
On October 16, EESI Executive Director Carol Werner, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, and other expert speakers held a webinar on the 40th anniversary of the oil embargo and its significance. The webinar demonstrated the advances made since 1973, and highlighted how renewables and energy efficiency are the competitive, economical and sustainable global building block for the 21st century. Carol's presentation focused on the climate change impacts of our continued dependence on oil.
Midwestern Agricultural Landscapes and Ecosystems Services: Problems and Opportunities
EESI Policy Associate Ned Stowe spoke at the Conference on Enhancing Mississippi Watershed Ecosystems with Perennial Bioenergy Crops on September 23, 2013, in Minneapolis, MN. His presentation focused on federal policy regarding perennial bioenergy crops, and he emphasized that the federal government is at a historic political juncture, with many key programs either on the chopping block, or being squeezed by across-the-board budget cuts.
Presentation: South Carolina Rural Electric Co-ops On-Bill Financing Pilot Program
EESI Policy Associate John-Michael Cross spoke at the Association of Energy Services Professionals Spring Conference on May 1, 2013, in Dallas, TX. His presentation focused on the South Carolina rural electric cooperatives' Help My House pilot program, which finances residential energy efficiency improvements with low-interest loans that are repaid through customers’ electric bills (known as “on-bill financing”). EESI has been involved with the pilot since its inception and wants to share the pilot's process and early successes to encourage other co-ops and public utilities to consider similar programs.
Presentation: Biomass, Bioenergy, and Sustainability
On November 30, 2012, EESI Policy Associate Ned Stowe gave a presentation on biomass, bioenergy, and sustainability to the 11th Annual Great Lakes Environmental Legislators Forum of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators in Chicago, IL. The presentation addressed questions such as: What is the potential for biomass energy in the region? Is it sustainable? Is it climate-friendly? Is it clean?
The 2008 Farm Bill Energy Title: Past, Present, and Future
Presented for: Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies New Haven, CT
Emerging Energy Infrastructure Technologies: Opportunities and Implementation
Presented for: Environmental Initiative Policy Forum Series: Planning Minnesota's Future Energy Infrastructure St. Paul, MN
Jobs in a Green Economy
Presented for: National Rural Assembly St. Paul, MN
Energy Efficiency: Serving the Cooperative Consumer/Owner
Presented for: What’s Working in Residential Energy Efficiency Upgrade Programs Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy Arlington, VA
Overview of the Bioenergy Policy Landscape: Current Status, Future Trends
Presented for: Biomass/Waste-to-Energy Conversion Workshop Wooster, Ohio
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