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January 15, 2015
Now that the new Congress is in session, EESI is ready to help engage and educate on key energy and climate topics. Those who gave during EESI’s year-end fundraising campaign are helping to make it possible.
With many new Congressional staffers coming in, the need for education on basic issues is urgent. A good example is the EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan. This is our country's most significant opportunity to reduce carbon emissions in the short term. It includes considerable flexibility for states, and the EPA is currently reviewing and responding to a large number of comments on the proposed plan. With your donations, you're helping EESI plan and carry out a briefing to de-mystify the Clean Power Plan.
Another key area of focus for EESI in the near term is the President's budget request, expected to come out February 2nd. You are helping EESI produce an issue brief and organize a briefing on the budgetary areas related to renewable energy and energy efficiency. EESI's briefings on the budget, held in cooperation with the bipartisan House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, are highly anticipated, well attended, and covered in the media.
The federal government—and Congress in particular—have a huge impact on how your community is able to respond to climate change by funding and coordinating disaster relief, transportation infrastructure, and more.
So thanks again!