Are you interested in storytelling? Film? Investigative journalism? The biggest uncertainties of the decade? Attend Double Exposure!

Double Exposure is the United States’ first and only film festival dedicated to investigative reporting on film. The festival will feature four days of film screenings and a professional symposium from November 7 to 10 in Washington, D.C. This year’s theme is In Flux | Out of Bounds, with the festival’s selections showcasing a world navigating through uncertainty.

Three of Double Exposure’s feature films will explore the risks of climate change, the need for sustainability, and environmental justice concerns.

  • American Grail: A Quest for the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker—a man’s 17-year quest for the elusive ivory-billed woodpecker, amid the realities of climate change.
  • Dust to Dust—a compelling look at Japan's only haute-couture designer advocating for sustainable fashion.
  • Searching for Amani—a 13-year old boy attempts to uncover the secrets behind his father's mysterious death, and discovers the effects of drought on Kenya's rich conservancies.

Join fellow storytellers, filmmakers, journalists, and community members at Double Exposure! Get your pass now.

EESI is a Double Exposure Film Festival Partner, so EESI readers benefit from a 10% discount by using the code EESI.


Author: Aaliya Cassoobhoy